Wide range of workshops driven by feedback across Aotearoa
A-OK delivers a wide range of workshops that meet the various needs of the suicide prevention / life-supporting spectrum. Our range of workshops have been carefully selected through the continuous feedback from communities across Aotearoa and updated research. The A-OK team have been delivering the Safetalk and ASIST for over ten years in and across Aotearoa. Our relationships with the regions across Aotearoa have been built over years of engagement and we work very hard to maintain these by taking on board what we have learnt and using that to find, co-develop and adapt workshops that meet these needs.
Acts of Kindness - Building life-supporting communities
Most people want to help but have a lot of valid reasons why they can not. We have also learnt that those looking for support also want to reach out for help but for their own reasons do not. We provide workshops that address these reasons, encourage engagement through life-supporting conversations thus identifying key supports that keep them safe from the risk of suicide while also supporting them on a long journey of restorative hope and life. These are the 'acts of kindness' that build life-supporting communities.
Quality Training Delivered by Experienced New Zealand Based Trainers
The range of workshops are set out below. They are supported by both International and New Zealand evidence, are delivered within a NZ context reflecting the diversity of cultures we represent. We are continually evolving the programs to incorporate new research and new insights gathered through the rich life-supporting conversations within our workplaces, communities, sports teams, schools and most importantly in our homes.
A-OK Workshop Developers / Owners
We are very privileged to hold the registration to these internationally recognised programs here in New Zealand. Safetalk , ASIST and Suicide2hope are all developed by Livingworks, our trainers are currently registered to deliver these. Suicide First Aid is developed by National Centre for Suicide Prevention Training, Hope Heroes is developed by 1 degree workshops and Checkmate is co-developed by A-OK and partners.
A-OK List of Available Workshops for 2021
(note: we will be releasing a workshop around the manage of self harm later in the year)

3-6 hour workshop for schools to equip youth with help-seeking skills and peer-support skills.
4 hour training that enables a recognition of signs and a safeTALK framework that equips anyone to start a caring conversation.
3 hour training that enables workplace support and amongst colleagues and peers
1 day intervention training that explores the suicide continuum and the different levels of safety interventions..
2 day practical intervention training that explores a scientifically proven model based on the needs of the person at risk.
1 day suicide recovery and growth framework for those working with people recently at risk of suicide / self harm and hope for recovery.