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Life-Supporting Workplaces puts the health and wellbeing of its people at the centre of everything it does. Your people, your staff, your team, your employees are the functions of your business goals.  Health and wellness initiatives need continuous improvement to incorporate your employee needs that directly impact employee retention, produces productivity, high performance, work satisfaction and business wealth.  

Building a life-supporting culture in your workplace requires everyone to be involved. The more people with a sense of alertness, skill, courage to connect and check in, the sooner people will get the support they need. 


Why are life-supporting conversation important in the workplace?

Most people naturally will not reach out for help in the workplace in fear of losing their jobs, impact of work based relationships, shame, privacy and many other reasons.  On the flip side, most people want to help but lack skills and confidence to validate their concerns, start the conversation, identify their need for supports and connect them onto safety supports.  


Equipping people with life-supporting conversation skills will result in:

  • Developing a culture of collegial-support thus increasing the options of alerted helpers. 

  • An Immediate response due to increased alertness

  • An Immediate connection to safety supports

  • Collaborated safety plans to manage work and life balance

  • Workplace resilience 

  • Continuously improved health and wellbeing strategy/approach

  • Workplace-led solutions to build life-supporting workplaces.

  • Suicide Prevention Strategy that focuses on building life-supporting workplaces.


Here are some helpful websites for building workplace wellbeing. Five Ways to Wellbeing by Nga Ara Rima, Covers five actions we can build into our everyday lives to benefit the wellbeing of individuals, workplaces/organisations, families and communities. They are Connect, Give, Take notice, Keep learning, Be active. 
WHO's Healthy Workplaces, A model for action: The World Health Organization’s explanation and framework for building a healthy workplace. A great resource for workplace wellbeing strategies.


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